Getting Started On Nectar
A step-by-step guide to get started.
HeadStart is pleased to provide you with access to “Nectar” to give you visibility into what we are writing for you and provide you with simple forms that you can use as creative briefs, what we call outlines.
We provide all licence holders (you, as our point of contact) with access to Nectar and it is included with our subscription.
What is Nectar?
Nectar is your own private online portal connected to the system we use as a writing team. Instead of emailing us, it has forms you can fill out to send us writing requests – called outlines.
There are many types of forms available to help you draft outlines, provide additional instructions, and add attachments. Once filled out, the forms are sent to us automatically and you get a copy emailed to you.
Nectar also displays all the items HeadStart is working on for you and their delivery dates—so you can log in any time to check when it will be sent to you. You can also download your list.
How to log in:
- HeadStart creates your account (username) on Nectar and you will be notified that it is ready.
- Go to
- Enter your work email address as your username.
- Select “Lost your password?” and choose Get New Password.
- Check your inbox for a registration email with your new password. If you don’t see anything, check your spam folder.
- Log in with your username and new password.
If you have any issues logging in, please let us know. We also like to improve and add forms to Nectar so ideas are welcome!
How to use Nectar:
- Click on Submit Requests to access the forms. When you fill out a form and click Send, it will be sent to our system automatically. We will then review it and register the item for completion. You also get a copy by email.
- Click on the My Requests button to view your list of registered items. Please allow time for the items to display on your screen. They won’t display until we assign a delivery date.
- Optional, click the Download button to save the list into Microsoft Excel.
- Optional, click the Refresh List button to ensure you have the latest list (if you like to stay logged in).
- Click New Request on the left sidebar to go back to the forms.
FAQ About Nectar:
Please email if you can’t find out the answer you are looking for.
The request email address is monitored during business hours, eastern time, and requests sent after 4:45pm EST are registered the next business day.
Q: I tried using “forgot password” and I can’t log in.
A: Please check the spam/junk folder. If there is nothing there try again and contact your IT department to see if they will allow our reset email through.
Q: I cannot see anything on my requests list.
A: The requests list is blank until a copy request is registered with a delivery date. Check back again if you have sent an item. If the requests list is still blank after you have registered a copy request please click the refresh button. Sometimes a refresh takes a few minutes.
Q: Have you received an email confirmation that lets you know your copy request has been received?
A: If not, please forward your copy request to I will check with our team to resolve this issue and get back to you asap.
Q: Do I need to submit both an email to request and submit to Nectar?
A: No – if you use Nectar you get an email confirmation. If you email request, we reply that we got it. Nectar helps us register your items faster so we recommend you try it out or send us a test using one of the forms.
Q: How do I know if my request has gone through?
A: You will receive an email confirmation. Please check your junk/spam folder if it’s not in your main inbox.
Q: Can I add attachments to my copy request?
A: Yes – there is a file upload option for every copy request at the bottom. Please attach it there. We have file size limits so please email us larger files. Please let us know you will be sending us large files by email before you send them.
Q: I noticed there isn’t a form for the kind of copy request I need, where should I submit my request?
A: Please email your request. We might be able to create a custom form for you so please let us know what you need.
You can also email us to register items— but we encourage you to use the Nectar so we can work faster for you, and you can view your delivery dates.
Please review a sample outline and feel free to send a test brief once you have access. You can also use our brief scorecard as a checklist.
In our experience, Nectar has increased efficiency and collaboration with our clients; thank you for using Nectar.
Your HeadStart Team
photo credit: Hovering by ashokboghani via photopin (license)
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